Thursday, December 8, 2016

Finding E Juices That You Enjoy

When you step into the world of vaping, it may be like that of Dorothy taking her first step into the Land of Oz: new, mysterious, yet full of color and possibility. While you may be excited about the things to come, you might still have that fear of the unknown. That is why you must take it upon yourself to do the necessary research.

Once you get through the complications of learning about various mods, ohms, voltage, wattage, resistance, and all that good stuff, you think that all the research is done. I mean, all you have left to do is choose your e juice flavors. How hard can that be? Oh boy, do I have some news for you….

There are several factors that must come into play when choosing e juices that you will actually enjoy. If you are a beginning vaper, you will generally be more concerned about the actual taste of your juice rather than how much vapor is produced. Due to this, you will want to look for an e juice that offers a higher VG to PG ratio. I highly recommend 70/30; this just seems to be the perfect happy medium.

After you have the issue resolved, you have to find out what kind of vaper you are. Are you a fruity vaper? No, not that fruity. Are you a candy vaper? Are you a dessert vaper? Or are you a breakfast vaper? This is the biggest key to you being able to actually enjoy your vaping experience.

Now, just because you might be a fruity vaper, doesn’t mean you hate any dessert or candy flavored e juices. It just means that you have your preferred flavor category. This is the flavor category that you find yourself being able to vape for days, weeks, or even months on end (beware of the vape tongue!).

I, myself, am an absolute breakfast vaper. They give me more satisfaction than that of a fruity e juice. Granted, when I feel like I am over-loaded from the sugary flavor, I do lean more towards the fruit flavors. It is a refreshing way of taking a break from the more dominant flavor category.

From all the breakfast flavored e juices I have tried, I have to say that Pancake Man by Vape Breakfast Classics is my ultimate go to. I absolutely love other breakfast flavors such as muffins or donuts, but Pancake Man really takes the cake on this one. Each puff is fulfilling and doesn’t lack on any flavor. I have found a multitude of e juices that are quite delightful, but just seem to be missing that “OOMPH” if you will. Pancake Man does in fact have that “OOMPH”.

You however, may not be a breakfast vaper and that is perfectly fine. More for me! Just kidding. You may prefer one of the other various flavor categories. The main thing is that you just find out which of those ones you do fall under before you go on an “e juice haul” and find out you hate all of the flavors you have purchased. Be open-minded, but also be cautious.

Source Here: Finding E Juices That You Enjoy

Friday, September 16, 2016

Simple Effective Beauty Tips From The Pros

  Get the perfect office makeup Source: Flickr You can never get enough beauty tips due to all the different techniques created as the seasons change. Women are always finding new methods of enhancing their beauty and you want to take part in this. This article provides a great list of tips that will help you enhance your own beauty and be the shining star you desire to be. To keep your eyeliner from smudging, apply your eye shadow on top of your eyeliner using a damp cotton wool q-tip. This will help you keep your look for the entire day without your eyeliner coming off or leaving marks under your eyes. Everyone loves how they look when they first apply their eyeliner, and this will keep that look going strong. Always properly wash your make-up off at night before you go to sleep. Use a gentle washcloth and warm water, or a make-up remover solution. Afterward, wash your face with your normal skin care regimen. Make-up that is not properly removed will clog pores and cause unwanted acne problems. Find the perfect makeup for yourself. With so many different types to choose from look for makeup that is noncomedogenic. Avoid trying too many different types of makeup because this can irritate your skin. Instead, find one that works for you and stick with it. In order to keep fresh vibrant looking skin, be sure to always carry around some sort of moisturizer. Especially during winter months, our skin can crack and break which ultimately is not very attractive. By keeping your skin constantly moisturized you will prevent the dryness, and its subsequent cracking and breaking. Before applying a fake tan, make sure you remove unwanted hair at least 24 hours before doing this. You can either shave or wax, but in order to get the best results, you should make sure you wait at least 24 hours afterwards. This will ensure your fake tan is smooth and even. Tired of dealing with lots of frizzies and fly aways? Rub lotion into your hands and then very gently run over the frizzy part of your hair. This helps those annoying strands to lay flat with the rest of your hair and become non-existent for the duration of the day. If you pluck your brows, be sure to keep your tweezers clean and sharp to reduce the risk of infection or acne. Sanitize the tips in boiling water; if there is noticeable buildup on the tips, use a Brillo pad to remove it. This is especially effective on slant-tipped or pointed tweezers. Be sure that you clean your make up brushed on a regular basis. When using a makeup brush it can acquire germs of bacteria. Reusing the brush without cleaning it is just going to put these germs back on your face. With beauty tips ranging across several different techniques, methods, and even types of products to use, there are definitely new things to be learned. You can find a greater sense of beauty in utilizing the latest techniques and finding out more about your own beauty and enhancing your natural beauty even more.

Read More Here: Simple Effective Beauty Tips From The Pros

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Before Buying Bulk E Juice, What Are The Components In It?

With every click of the clock, electronic cigarettes or vapes are becoming more and more popular, especially since they are believed to offer a safer alternative to smoking tobacco among heavy addictive smokers. Vape juice, which is also sometimes referred to as the e-liquid or e-juice, is the aromatic solution that is heated up when users take puffs from the vaporizer. The good thing about vaporizers is that they are in most places allowed in public places as no significant side effects have been seen to occur to nearby people as a user Vapes on his e-cig, of course unlike in the case of passive smoking with tobacco. But have ever wondered what your vape juice is composed of. Here are a few ingredients that you might want to take a look at before buying bulk e juice. 1. Nicotine Just like in tobacco, nicotine is the main ingredient in e-cigs, the same. It is a stimulant of the brain and goes a long way in elevating your focus, concentration, blood pressure, heart rate and breath rhythm. However, even as much as these are just but short term effects that can appear similar to those experienced with tobacco smoking, the two, vaporizers and regular cigarettes, are different in many ways. One of the advantages of e-cigs is that you can choose a vape liquid or e-juice with a nicotine concentration of your preference. You can order your e-juice in bulk, some of which are labeled as are a beginner, light, intermediate or heavy puffer. 2. Vape Juice Flavors One common factor that is looked at by most vaping fans when buying vape juice is the flavor. There are quite a number of e-liquid flavors you can choose from, depending on the store you approach, brand, and experience. Some of the most common e-juice flavors include cherry, vanilla, tobacco, cinnamon among many others that you can also buy in bulk. 3. PG PG stands for propylene glycol a laboratory manufactured liquid substance that is FDA approved for use in a wide array of products for human consumption. If you have been to a club in the late night or watched a public musical concert, the foggy substance that is normally used on stage is probably PG. The product is safe for use in Vape Juice unless the user has some respiratory system related complications and problems. It is thereby still worth taking note of this ingredient’s presence and consider PG levels in your e-juice before you buy. 4. VG In full, VG simply means vegetable glycerin. The compound is extracted from some plant oils and has been approved by the FDA as it is also a common ingredient in other healthcare chemical compounds such as pharmaceuticals. In vape e-liquids, it is sweeter than PG, odorless and colorless liquid. Choosing a Good E Juice When it comes to selecting a vape juice as you go shopping for your e-cig or its accessories, consider your preferred nicotine concentration, the PG/VG, and your preferred flavor as well. If at first, you are unsure of what flavor types go for, you may as well try a few available options until you find the best fit, after which you can then order your bulk e juice.

Original Post Here: Before Buying Bulk E Juice, What Are The Components In It?

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

You Can Use A Vaporizer As An Alternative To Smoking Cigarettes

Today, there are more options than ever before for many types of pleasure, including things which are enjoyable to inhale. You may opt to use a vaporizer as a way to ingest nicotine or simply for the relaxing experience the variety of non-nicotine based products provide. Either way, you are sure to appreciate the choices available on the market. First of all, you should realize that your vaping experience will be dramatically influenced by the type of product you use for the process. Although portable vaporizers are incredibly common, you will need to consider whether it would be appropriate to get one for your home usage that is stronger and has more choices for you. There are products which are disposable once you have ingested the substance and others that you can refill. Many find that trying the disposables is a great place to begin but that it makes more sense to use the refillable style for long term use. However, it will take some planning from you either way to make sure that you have the best usage experience possible. Should you decide to go with the disposable vaporizer, you will need to be sure that you can access replacements quickly when yours runs out. This will mean making sure you know where stores are locally as well as carefully planning your trips when you will be away from home. In that case, it will be necessary to take enough with you or check with retailers in the area you are going. If you use a refillable model, you can take everything you need along with you throughout the day and when you are on extended trips away from your home base. One of the options that you will have is to purchase and use a wide selection of flavors. You can switch back and forth between them so you never need to become bored with your vaping options. It is also important that you have a backup battery when using a refillable and rechargable model. When planning for charging options, you should try to make sure that you have both a USB and a regular outlet charger that you can use. This way you will always be prepared to charge your battery when it runs out and you can rely on your backup while waiting. You should research your options and make sure that you purchase all of your supplies from a reputable company. Because the industry is fairly new, you will not find anyone who has decades of experience yet. However, you should look for vendors that have been around long enough to develop an online reputation. Investigate the reputation of any company that you are considering making a purchase from to ensure that they provide good quality products and excellent customer service. Check out the data on a few different independently owned review websites to ensure that you get an unbiased glimpse into the company before you give them your hard earned money!

Read Full Article Here: You Can Use A Vaporizer As An Alternative To Smoking Cigarettes

Monday, August 8, 2016


Wandering around your local mall probably isn’t going to inspire any unique gift ideas. So sit down, put your feet up and get ready to be inspired. Our Incredible Gift Guide has a seemingly endless collection of unique gifts. Whether you’re shopping for mom, dad, your best friend, or even someone you can’t really stand, there are several gift ideas right here. No traffic. No lines. No fighting for the last item. Just unique gifts pulled from our daily presentation of the weird and wonderful. You’re welcome.. Source:Gifts

Post Source Here: Gifts

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Top Six Side Effects of Turmeric

  • 1) Blood Pressure and Diabetes Medication : Using a high amount of turmeric in any form may lead to low blood pressure or blood sugar. Hence, people taking medication for diabetes or high blood pressure should apply caution.
  • 2) When You have Blood-Clotting Disorder : The spice is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. However, it can also have an adverse effect if combined with anti-clotting medications, which may result in bruising and bleeding. It is also important to stop taking turmeric supplements two weeks before a surgical procedure to avoid its blood-thinning effects.
  • 3) If You are Pregnant or Breastfeeding : Experts advise pregnant women to avoid taking high doses of turmeric to prevent any side effects.
  • 4) If You suffer from Excessive Stomach Acid : If it is taken in high doses may increase the acid levels in the stomach which can damage the esophagus’ lining if it starts rising.
  • 5) If You have Gallbladder Problems : Turmeric can do two things for your gallbladder. The spice can aid in regulating the amount of bile the gallbladder produces, or it can obstruct the bile duct and cause the formation of gallstones. However, the latter effect is only going to happen if your gallbladder is not in a good condition.
  • 6) If You suffer from Liver Problems : Some studies showed that intake of turmeric has an effect on how the organ processes some drugs and may lead to liver problems. In relation to that, experts now stress for people with a liver condition to practice caution when taking turmeric supplements.
Keep in mind that the standard and safe dosage for turmeric is 400-600mg of the powder, taken 1 to 3 times daily.

Source: Top Six Side Effects of Turmeric